
{property name}: Restbetrag

[:en] Dear {family name} Family, the payment for the remainder of your trip is now due. Please use the link below to securely pay the remainder, with a credit card:   {url}   kind regards   Dave & Jene Smith Newsletter: 0033 233 762249 [:de]Liebe Familie {family name}, die Zahlung für den Rest […]

{property name}: Bestätigung

[:en]Dear {family name} Family, we hereby confirm receipt of your deposit and confirm your booking at La Bourdonnerie. Full details of your booking, along with directions to your holiday home are in the attached confirmation document. We’re looking forward to seeing you, and wish you a peaceful trip.   kind regards   Dave & Jene […]

{property name} Restbetrag angekommen

[:en] Dear {family name} Family, we hereby confirm receipt of your final payment of {final_payment} Euros. We’re looking forward to seeing you, and wish you a peaceful trip.   kind regards   Dave & Jene Smith Newsletter: 0033 233 762249 [:de]Liebe Familie {family name}, hiermit bestätigen wir den Erhalt Ihrer Restzahlung über {final_payment} […]

{property name}: Bestätigung

[:en] Dear {family name} Family, we hereby confirm receipt of your payment in full, and confirm your booking at La Bourdonnerie. Full details of your booking, along with directions to your holiday home are in the attached confirmation document. We’re looking forward to seeing you, and wish you a peaceful trip.   kind regards   […]

[:en]{property name} Payment received[:de]{property name} Zahlung angekommen[:nl]{property name} Restbetrag angekommen[:fr]{property name} Restbetrag angekommen[:]

[:en] Dear {family name} Family, we hereby confirm receipt of your payment. We’re looking forward to seeing you, and wish you a peaceful trip.   kind regards   Dave & Jene Smith Newsletter: 0033 233 762249 [:de] Liebe Familie {family name}, hiermit bestätigen wir den Eingang Ihrer Zahlung. Wir freuen uns, Sie bald […]

{property name}: Getting Here

[:en] Hi there, Your holiday home will be available from 5pm on the day of arrival (previously 3pm, but cleaning is taking longer due to the Covid emergency). Should you arrive earlier, we can look after your bags for you whilst you head to the beach or go shopping etc. Don’t forget to bring towels! […]